Micro Lesson

Micro Lesson is a research-generated artefact that harmonizes website, Excel, and Telegram to deliver any course.

The price is US$199. Go grab it! Or, consider the following requirements:

The request must be processed institutionally. Send an official letter to the English Language Education study program at Universitas Negeri Surabaya, stating the request for a speaker. A technician and a speaker to explain the details of this product, including technical and pedagogical aspects. The installation process will be carried out on-site.

All costs incurred as a result of this activity will be borne by the partner, in this case, the requesting institution.

How it Works

Look at the database as attached below.


Here is the database hosted in Excel.


Here, I set IM as the Course ID. Therefore, you need to type IM in the Course ID.


Here is the database hosted in Excel.


The following is the demo of the Micro Lesson. Write IM in the Course ID and write 1, 2, or 3 in Agenda Number. Click on Get Agenda Details (the loading indicator hasn't been updated so please wait some seconds after clicking Get Agenda Details).

In the page, you'll see the OBJECTIVES, Agenda, and Lesson appear as exactly similar with what is inputted in the Excel.